
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year

The Old Year drifts, a ship that now
Lies battered, worn, from stern to prow;

Beside it rides a trim new craft,
Shining and lovely before and aft.

We'll venture in it, our compass true,
Through unknown seas, limitless, blue,

And whether the weather be stormy or bright,
We'll hold to our course by day and night.

Our every veering will hold surprise,
For straight ahead adventure lies.

And in the good ship, New Year, we
Shall sail with Opportunity.

This poem was written by Nancy Richey Ranson . . . who was Poet Laureate of Texas from 1941 'til 1943 . . . it was published in the Dallas Morning News on January 1, 1948 . . .

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